Dylan Falconer

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Custom Strings in C

Null-terminated strings are a cause of some serious errors and increased complexity. In this article, I’ll show you how to create a simple String type that will relieve these problems.

Problem: Always Checking For ‘\0’

I won’t go into depth on this one. You can imagine that having to check for the terminating character adds unwanted complexity to any functions dealing with strings in C.

Problem: Buffer Overruns

Buffer overruns are possible due to C’s direct memory access. Let’s look at a small example program:

#include <stdio.h>

static struct {
	char str[10];
	int num;
} values;

int main(void) {
	values.num = 420;
	sprintf(values.str, "%s", "0123456789abcd");
	printf("%d\n", values.num);
	return 0;

I put two variables into a struct so they don’t get re-ordered by the compiler.

The integer num will appear at least 10 bytes from the start of the char array str. Due to alignment, num most likely appear 12 bytes after the start of str.

In the image below, I have placed labels above the memory. a401 in hexadecimal is 420 in decimal:

When “0123456789abcd” is is placed at the position str, we get this result:

As you can see, we have clobbered the first 2 bytes of num. We have inadvertently modified the value to be 6364 in hexadecimal which is 25699 in decimal.

This can happen with any pointer, though it’s a more common bug with regular strings due to the way we use textual data. In inserting into and formatting strings, we increase the likelihood of this class of bug.

This program doesn’t give any warnings, by the way. Even on the most strict warning settings (-Wall -Wextra -pedantic).

To Microsoft’s credit, they do warn the user about using sprintf. The MSVC compiler will recommend using sprintf_s. sprintf_s has the buffer length as one of the parameters. There is also snprintf, which provides the same protection - though differs in the return type.

This memory overwriting issue is not solved by just using these functions. For example, what about if we want to iterate through some data and add something from it to a string? I’ll show a brief example:

char *my_str = malloc(10);
char *my_data = malloc(5);
sprintf(my_data, "%s", "012345");

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += 1) {
	my_str[i] = 0x77;

In my testing, my_str appears in memory shortly before my_data.

As with the sprintf example, my_str is overwritten with bytes of 0x77.

Solution: The Custom String Type

The String type is defined as such:

typedef struct {
	size_t len;
	char *data;
} String;

In my version, we keep the null-terminator, and we also store the length. This allows us to create String functions that are compatible with:
- C Standard Library
- Any 3rd Party libraries that expect a null-terminated char array.

Before we dive into the implementation, let’s review some usage code:

Allocator a = ...;

String s1 = String("This is my cool string.");
String s2 = String("And here is another one.");

String cs = str_concat(s1, s1, &a); 

printf("'%s'\n", cs.data);
// => 'This is my cool string.And here is another one.'

String *split = str_split(s1, String(" "), &a);

size_t len = array_length(split);
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
	printf("'%s'\n", split[i].data);
// => 'This'
// => 'is'
// => 'my'
// => 'cool'
// => 'string.'

String joined = str_join(split, String(","), &a);
printf("'%s'\n", joined.data);
// => 'This,is,my,cool,string.'

String view = str_substring_view(s1, String("my"), &a);
printf("'%s'\n", view.data);
// => 'my cool string.'
// As views don't alter or clone, the printf will not terminate correctly.

There’s much more you can do, but we’ll leave it there for now.

As you can see, our string usage is much simpler than the standard C string functions.

No weird strtok loop to split a string. Easily join strings together. Great.

Below is a simple and not necessarily great (it’s a first-pass) implementation:

typedef struct {
	size_t len;
	char *data;
} String;

#define String(x) (String){strlen(x), x}

String str_init(size_t len, Allocator *a) {
	String s = {
		.len = len,
		.data = a->alloc(len + 1, a->context),
	s.data[len] = 0;
	return s;

String str_concat(String s1, String s2, Allocator *a) {
	size_t len = s1.len + s2.len;
	String s = str_init(len, a);
	memcpy(s.data, s1.data, s1.len);
	memcpy(&s.data[s1.len], s2.data, s2.len);
	return s;

String str_substring(String s, size_t start, size_t end, Allocator *a) {
	String r = {0};
	if (end <= s.len && start < end) {
		r = str_init(end - start, a);
		memcpy(r.data, &s.data[start], r.len);
	return r;

bool str_contains(String haystack, String needle) {
	bool found = false;
	for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < haystack.len && !found; i += 1) {
		while (haystack.data[i] == needle.data[j]) {
			j += 1;
			i += 1;
			if (j == needle.len) {
				found = true;
	return found;

size_t str_index_of(String haystack, String needle) {
	for (size_t i = 0; i < haystack.len; i += 1) {
		size_t j = 0;
		size_t start = i;
		while (haystack.data[i] == needle.data[j]) {
			j += 1;
			i += 1;
			if (j == needle.len) {
				return start;
	return (size_t)-1;

// NOTE: this does not terminate the string with a 0 as that would destroy the original string.
String str_substring_view(String haystack, String needle) {
	String r = {0};
	size_t start_index = str_index_of(haystack, needle);
	if (start_index < haystack.len) {
		r.data = &haystack.data[start_index];
		r.len = needle.len;
	return r;

bool str_equal(String a, String b) {
	if (a.len != b.len) {
		return false;
	return memcmp(a.data, b.data, a.len) == 0;

String str_replace(String s, String match, String replacement, Allocator *a) {
	String r = {0};
	// TODO
	return r;

String str_view(String s, size_t start, size_t end) {
	if (end < start || end - start > s.len) {
		return (String){0};
	return (String){end - start, s.data + start};

String str_clone(String s, Allocator *a) {
	String r = {0};
	if (s.len) {
		r.data = a->alloc(s.len, a->context);
		r.len = s.len;
		memcpy(r.data, s.data, s.len);
	return r;

String *str_split(String s, String delimiter, Allocator *a) {
	String *arr = 0;
	size_t start = 0;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < s.len; i += 1) {
		if (s.data[i] != delimiter.data[0]) {

		if (memcmp(&s.data[i], delimiter.data, delimiter.len) == 0) {
			// Allocate array if we haven't yet.
			if (!arr) {
				arr = array(String, a);

			// Clone the substring before the delimiter.
			size_t end = i;
			String cloned = str_substring(s, start, end, a);
			array_append(arr, cloned);
			start = end + delimiter.len;
	// Get the last segment.
	if (start + delimiter.len < s.len) {
		String cloned = str_substring(s, start, s.len, a);
		array_append(arr, cloned);
	return arr;

String *str_split_view(String s, String delimiter, Allocator *a) {
	String *arr = 0;
	size_t start = 0;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < s.len; i += 1) {
		if (s.data[i] != delimiter.data[0]) {

		if (memcmp(&s.data[i], delimiter.data, delimiter.len) == 0) {
			if (!arr) {
				arr = array(String, a);

			size_t end = i;
			String view = str_view(s, start, end);
			array_append(arr, view);
			start = end + delimiter.len;
	if (start + delimiter.len < s.len) {
		String view = str_view(s, start, s.len);
		array_append(arr, view);
	return arr;

String str_join(String *s, String join, Allocator *a) {
	ArrayHeader *h = array_header(s);

	size_t total_length = s->len * join.len;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < h->len; i += 1) {
		total_length += s[i].len;

	char *mem = a->alloc(total_length + 1, a->context);
	size_t offset = 0;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < h->len; i += 1) {
		memcpy(&mem[offset], s[i].data, s[i].len);
		offset += s[i].len;

		if (i == h->len - 1) {

		memcpy(&mem[offset], join.data, join.len);
		offset += join.len;

	mem[total_length] = 0;

	return (String){total_length, mem};

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