Dylan Falconer

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Hot Reloading in C

How to save 260 hours of your time, every year.

This week’s newsletter is about being able to recompile and reload code to see the changes in real-time - without restarting the application.

The way I learnt to develop software was using the compile-link-execute cycle. Depending on your setup, this may be more or less ergonomic.

In my setup, I used to:

  1. Edit and save the file.

  2. Press Alt-M to run my build (compile & link) script.

  3. Win-2 to switch to my debugger, press F10 to start stepping through my program or F5 to just run it.

  4. Do whatever in the program, set break points, analyse variables, etc.

  5. Close the program.

  6. Make changes to the code.

  7. Start the process again.

It’s pretty inefficient.

Now, I do this:

  1. Edit and save the file.

  2. Press Alt-M to run my build script.

  3. Alt-Tab back to the program, that was still running, and has all the state from before I made changes.

  4. That’s it - the code has been updated in the background!

My Journey to Discovering Hot Reloading

I knew about “hot module reloading” from my career as a front end web developer. It was amazing to have instant changes in real-time after updating some code.

What I didn’t know, is that this functionality has been available since the 1980s for compiled programs!

On Windows, we can load .dll (Dynamic Link Library) files. On Linux they are called .so (Shared Object) files.

These files can be loaded at run-time of a program and contain code and data, like an executable.

Join me on this adventure to figure out how to get hot reloading working in a simple Win32 C program. If you don’t use Windows, don’t fret - the code is simple and the structure will apply to Linux/MacOS just as well.

Understanding Hot Reloading: Application Code and Cradle

Hot reloading is a concept used in software development that allows programmers to immediately see changes made in the code without closing and re-opening the running program.

This is exactly the functionality we need to reduce the time between idea and execution.

How this can be done for our purposes is we split the code into two sections - the application code and the cradle.

Our application code is the dynamically linked code. The code we are updating. In the case of games - it’s our gameplay and perhaps a lot of the engine code, too.

Our cradle is the compiled executable that loads the application code and provides it with memory. It is important that the memory we use comes from the cradle as when the DLL is reloaded, the DLL’s memory is refreshed.

Implementing Hot Reloading: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we know what we are doing, let’s look at how to actually do it.

On Windows, there is a function called LoadLibrary, on Unix-like systems the equivalent is dlopen .

Let’s write a simple win32 layer that achieves the goal of hot reloading.


Our cradle will be a simple program that loops every second, reloading the DLL regardless of whether it has been changed or not.

In my experience, reloading every second is good enough for a long time during development.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MEMORY_SIZE 256

typedef void (*HotReloadedFunction)(char *memory, size_t *size);

int main(void) {
    HINSTANCE dll = 0;
    HotReloadedFunction fn;
    char memory[MEMORY_SIZE] = {0};

    while (1) {
        if (dll) {

        CopyFile("application.dll", "_application.dll", 0);
        dll = LoadLibrary("_application.dll");
        if (!dll) {
            printf("Failed to load DLL.\\n");
            return 1;

        fn = (HotReloadedFunction)GetProcAddress(dll, "hot_reloaded_function");
        if (!fn) {
            printf("Failed to find function in DLL.\\n");
            return 1;

        fn(memory, MEMORY_SIZE);


    return 0;

We are copying our application.dll file to a new _application.dll file so that the file isn’t in use when we try to compile a new one.

We provide some memory to our function - this would be where you’d store all your game state in a game, or all your application state in some other application.

We then load the copied DLL file and use GetProcAddress. GetProcAddressgets the procedure (function) address of a function. This function will de defined in the application code.

Then we call the function, passing in the memory and memory size.

Finally, we just sleep for a second. In a game this could be waiting until you hit 16.67 ms (for 60 FPS).

In most real-time cases, you probably want to use either a timer or watch the file for changes to reload the DLL.


Our application is dynamically loaded at run-time.

We must be careful about what kind of data we store in it.

In this case whatever_string is a static string that will be stored in the DLL and not changed.

However, counter is incremented in the hot_reloaded_function . Let’s see what happens.

#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

char *whatever_string = "This can change at run time, even though the memory address doesn't!";
int counter = 0;

__declspec(dllexport) void hot_reloaded_function(char *memory, size_t size) {
    printf("memory size: %zu, address: %p\\n", size, memory);
    sprintf(memory, "%s", whatever_string);
    printf("%s\\n", memory);
    printf("counter: %d\\n", counter);
    counter += 1;

BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HMODULE inst, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved) {
    (void)inst; (void)reason; (void)reserved;
    return 1;


@echo off
cl /c /Zi /nologo application.c /Foapplication.obj
link /nologo /DLL /DEBUG /OUT:application.dll application.obj


@echo off
cl /Zi /nologo main.c


We’ll assume we managed to change the contents of whatever_string between runs to “For example, here!”.

memory size: 256, address: 00000097917DFC00
This can change at run time, even though the memory address doesn't!
counter: 0
memory size: 256, address: 00000097917DFC00
For example, here!
counter: 0

The answer is what I was alluding to earlier.

Each time the DLL is recompiled and reloaded, the memory of any variables inside the DLL are reset.

That’s why passing in memory that you want to persist from the cradle is so important.

Pass in memory you need to for your entire application from the cradle, then it will keep state across DLL reloads.

The Impact of Hot Reloading on Your Programming Efficiency

Using hot reloading allows the programmer to reduce the time between idea and execution.

You can press jump in your game, see how it feels, then change some values in the program, compile - press jump again.

It removes the (sometimes very lengthy) process of opening the program and getting back to the state you were in before.

Imagine you are testing some boss battle and you have to run back to the boss between each tweak of it’s attributes.

If closing your game, compiling, running, and getting back to the same state takes let’s say 3.6 seconds…

And, you may want to tweak things hundreds or thousands of times in one day…

360 / 60 = 6 minutes
* 10 for 1000 is 1 hour

That’s a saving of between 6 minutes and one hour per day.

What could you do with an extra 260 hours per year? Probably, a lot of neat stuff.

Thank you for reading!

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Hot Loading in the Future?

Once I saw how easy it was to implement, I wondered why we don’t all use hot reloading all the time.

In the future, I think we may see this built in to languages and IDEs.

However, given it’s been essentially this easy for going on 40 years now… I can’t be certain of that.

I can be certain that I’ll be using it for the rest of my career, and I hope to have helped you decide to give it a try.

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