Dylan Falconer

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The Arena - Custom Memory Allocators in C

Memory management is typically taught in ways that cause many issues. Let’s go over the 4 most common issues: Fragmentation, Allocation Speed, Lack of Control, and Lifetimes.


Using malloc and free for individual objects inevitably cause fragmentation of the heap.

The locality of similar objects is not guaranteed when different types are allocated in an unpredictable order.

The general purpose memory allocator provided by the language (the thing behind the malloc call) does it’s best to make sure there are not too many gaps. But, it doesn’t know anything about the usage and lifetimes of your objects.

As a result, you can easily end up with bad performance by jumping around in the heap.


There’s a common idea that memory allocation on a per-frame basis is a quick way to slow down your application. I focus on games and real-time applications, so I’ll use “frames”, but you could replace this with any high frequency loop.

The idea is that malloc and free are either too slow or too unpredictable to be able to be used in high-frequency code paths.

The common remedy is to malloc and free before and after these code paths are executed. To ensure the program does not crash, one of two things must occur. Either a fine-tuning of the memory footprint, or an over-allocation at the outset.

If the data changes, and the code paths are not updated to fit the new data, crashes may occur.

Lack of Control

malloc does not allow you to control the memory allocation strategy. You don’t know where you are getting memory from or how it’s doing it. It’s a black box. Need memory? Call malloc . That’s it.


The cognitive overhead of trying to manage object lifetimes in the programmer’s head is a cause of many bugs. When the common wisdom is to dynamically allocate each instance of an object and release the memory individually, there is a large surface area for mistakes.

For example, when individually allocating a bunch of nodes for a tree, performing some data transformations, then walking the tree again to release each node. It could easily be the case that some of the nodes have been detached during the transformation and are no longer accessible.

You can get around this issue by pre-allocating an array of nodes and grabbing from the pool of them - then releasing the node array all together. This is a custom memory allocator - called a Pool Allocator.

Today, however, we’ll be talking about a more versatile allocator - the Arena.

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The Arena

The Arena Allocator is quite simple, and extremely useful. Since using Arenas, I have rarely needed to think about memory management at all. I have written about them before, but I wasn’t satisfied with that article’s definition as it misses some important implementation details.

Arenas work by allocating a large buffer of memory up-front and then handing out pieces of the buffer. The amount of used memory is usually tracked with an offset number.

For example, the Arena is 4096 bytes (in reality they are usually much larger) and the program allocates 2 1024 byte chunks - now the offset will be 2048. The calculated available space is the offset - size. Actually, it’s a bit more complicated due to memory alignment, but for the sake of explaining the concept, this will do. We get into the nitty gritty later on.

Performance and Lifetimes

Let’s say we are working on a game. We know there’s a bunch of allocations that need to happen at startup. Things like copying files into buffers (shaders, images) to upload them to the GPU and then throw them away.

In the main loop, there may be things that need to be allocated each frame and then thrown away, too - debug strings, collision data, the possibilities are endless.

Rather than creating set pools for all of these things, or trying to guess how many we need and using arrays, we can create a single Transient Arena Allocator.

// Start up code:
String my_shader_code = io_read_entire_file("my_shader.glsl", &transient_allocator);
// Link the shader
// We don't care about it after this, so do nothing

// Main loop:
    // Some entity loop or something:
        Hit hit = physics_hit(e, target, &transient_allocator);
        if (hit.did_hit) {
            // do something with hit

    // Reset the Arena each frame

With this transient allocator, we have chosen to clear it at the end of each frame.

The cost of freeing the memory? Two assignment operations:

arena_free_all(Arena *a) {
    a->offset = 0;
    a->committed = 0;

What about the cost of allocating all this memory on each frame?

It’s a little more expensive, but not by much. Certainly much less expensive than malloc . It’s basically a couple of add and compare instructions - see more in the implementation below.

The simplicity of these allocation and deallocation calls means that we don’t have to fear allocating and freeing memory during frames.

It’s so cheap that we can do it whenever we want.

Fragmentation and Lack of Control

Another side-effect of using an Arena is eliminating or greatly reducing fragmentation.

If we know that we need to both dynamically allocate and use together a few different types of objects - we can put them into a separate Arena.

Say we have a bunch of Hits and a bunch of Particles, but we are unsure how many we need (if any) per frame, but we are sure that we’ll use data from the Hit for each Particle.

We could create another Arena Allocator called hit_allocator that just stores Hits and Particles. Granted, this is probably not necessary and the transient_allocator would more than suffice, but for the sake of example - we’ll say we have so many Hits and Particles that we really want them to be memory local.

// Main loop:
    // Some entity loop or something:
        Hit *hit = physics_hit(e, target, &hit_allocator);
        if (hit->did_hit) {
	    // do something with hit
            Particle *p = particle_spawn(hit.position, &hit_allocator);

    // Reset the Arenas each frame

Something you have probably noticed is that we are now thinking about collections of objects and their lifetimes, rather than individual objects. This is a big mental switch and extremely powerful if you are used to malloc and free -ing objects one at a time.

Since all our Hits and Particles are in the same Arena, we know they are probably somewhere pretty close in memory. It’s not 100% optimal, but we don’t need a 100% optimal solution to get a 300x speed-up. We just need our data to be in the L1, L2, or L3 caches and avoid going back to main memory.

Using different Arenas for objects that have the same lifetime reduces cognitive overhead, freeing up your mind for the multitude of other problems that need solving when developing complex software.

Who Actually Uses Arenas?

The concept of Arenas is so useful that it’s a built-in feature in new programming languages like Odin and Jai.

I first heard about them during a stream in which Casey Muratori and Jonathan Blow were speaking about game architecture. Jonathan said, in an off-handed way, “just put them in an Arena and you’re done”. The conversation moved on, but I was now very curious. What is this “Arena” that they are speaking of as if every programmer just knows what it is?

Soon, I found a great resource by the creator of the Odin language and started messing around with my own implementations.

After a short time, I was hooked. My programs (which were all game prototypes) were much easier to reason about - I haven’t seen the word “segfault” show up in my terminal since.


I like to wrap my Arenas in an Allocator interface so that all my functions that require memory allocation can take any type of Allocator.

typedef struct {
    void *(*alloc)(size_t size, void *context);
    void (*free)(size_t size, void *ptr, void *context);
    void *context;
} Allocator;

For convenience, I like to define a couple of macros:

#define make(T, n, a) ((T *)((a).alloc(sizeof(T) * n, (a).context)))
#define release(s, p, a) ((a).free(s, p, (a).context))

The Arena code is fully outlined below:

#define DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT (2 * sizeof(void *))

typedef struct {
    void *base;
    size_t size;
    size_t offset;
    size_t committed;
} Arena;

#define arena_alloc_init(a) (Allocator){arena_alloc, arena_free, a}

#define is_power_of_two(x) ((x != 0) && ((x & (x - 1)) == 0))

uintptr_t align_forward(uintptr_t ptr, size_t alignment) {
    uintptr_t p, a, modulo;
    if (!is_power_of_two(alignment)) {
        return 0;

    p = ptr;
    a = (uintptr_t)alignment;
    modulo = p & (a - 1);

    if (modulo) {
        p += a - modulo;

    return p;

void *arena_alloc_aligned(Arena *a, size_t size, size_t alignment) {
    uintptr_t curr_ptr = (uintptr_t)a->base + (uintptr_t)a->offset;
    uintptr_t offset = align_forward(curr_ptr, alignment);
    offset -= (uintptr_t)a->base;
    if (offset + size > a->size) {
        return 0;

    a->committed += size;
    void *ptr = (uint8_t *)a->base + offset;
    a->offset = offset + size;

    return ptr;

void *arena_alloc(size_t size, void *context) {
    if (!size) {
        return 0;
    return arena_alloc_aligned((Arena *)context, size, DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT);

// Does nothing.
void arena_free(size_t size, void *ptr, void *context) {
    (void)ptr; (void)size; (void)context;

void arena_free_all(void *context) {
    Arena *a = context;
    a->offset = 0;
    a->committed = 0;

Arena arena_init(void *buffer, size_t size) {
    return (Arena){.base = buffer, .size = size};

Given this sample code below, we can inspect the memory of the program and see how our data ends up:

size_t size = 1024 * 1024 * 64;
void *buffer = malloc(size);
Arena arena = arena_init(buffer, size);
Allocator allocator = arena_alloc_init(&arena);

int *x = make(int, 420, allocator);
size_t *y = make(size_t, 23, allocator);
char *z = make(char, 69, allocator);

for (int i = 0; i < 420; i += 1) x[i] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < 23; i += 1)  y[i] = (size_t)i;
for (int i = 0; i < 69; i += 1)  z[i] = (char)i + '!';

As you can see, our data is nicely located in a predictable way - good for the CPU and good for us.

Thank you for reading!

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